Phone Scams on the Rise

Lowell Light & Power Customer Service has been notified about an increasing number of phone scams affecting our customers. Typically the phone scams involve a caller requesting an untraceable form of payment in order to avoid shut off OR a request for credit card information with an offer of a bonus. Please take moment to read over the list of things LL&P will NEVER do.

Protect Yourself from Phone Scams. LL&P will never:

  • Use an automated phone system to contact you
  • Have a third-party company contracted to call and discuss account information on our behalf
  • Request bank account information for a rebate
  • Demand immediate payment by pre-paid cards, cash packs, wire transfers, or anything untraceable
  • Require payment for quicker restoration if the power is out
  • Offer a discount, bonus or refund by requiring bank account or credit card information

If you receive a call that you find suspicious or suspect someone is trying to get your to fall for phone scams, please hang up and call our office directly at 616-897-8402 to confirm your account status. One of our friendly customer service staff will be happy to assist you.
Not all scams are phone scams!

Should you contact the Police Department?

The Lowell Police Department advises that you never give out any personal identification or financial information over the phone.  If you get an email or text from a company, do not respond or open any links, call the company direct, that way you know who you are talking to.

They also suggest you call the police if you have been scammed out of money or if you have given out your private identification information, like your Social Security number.

Be aware: Not all scams are phone scams.

Knowledge is power! Learn more about common scams, various fraud tactics and review resources you can use in this article from