Renewable energy sources; wind and solar

Renewable Energy

What is Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy is electricity that comes from sources that produce little or no emissions. Such unlimited, naturally replenished sources include sunlight, wind, waves, geothermal (heat from the Earth), biomass (organic matter) and landfill gas.

What are the Benefits of Renewable Energy?

A variety of benefits come from the use of renewable energy, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, lower levels of air and wastewater pollutants and a decreased reliance on non renewable energy sources, such as coal, oil natural gas and nuclear energy.

Voluntary Green Pricing Program

You have likely read about where we get our power supply. You may not know, however, that all Lowell Light & Power customers have the ability to choose the amount of electricity purchases that come from renewable sources through our Voluntary Green Pricing Program. Learn more in the FAQ’s below.

Additional information about Renewable Energy is coming in 2024!

Our website is currently under development. Check back for additional information about our renewable energy sources later this year.