Assistance for People of Lowell’s Utility Services

We’ve shared about the A PLUS program before, and with the number of people struggling during these times of inflation and overall rising costs, we want to be sure all LL&P customers know there is help available.

This month, you will find an A PLUS flyer (also posted below) in the envelope along with your bill, or if you are enrolled in ebill, there will be a link to the information included in the email.

If you’re interested & able to make a donation, LL&P wants to extend our gratitude and say “thank you” by giving you a choice of three LED light bulbs or two LED night lights. Simply stop by the office and donate $5 or more or “round up” your monthly payment to the next dollar for a year.  All donations are matched by Lowell Light & Power and placed in the A PLUS fund.

If you’d like to apply for using funds from the program, please reach out to Flat River Outreach Ministries by calling 616.897.8260.  FROM administers the funds to customers who qualify.